Thought can not be thought unless it is directed towards a conclusion, whether in action or judgement. We try in ordinary speech and thought, to keep the distinction between thought and action, but thought itself is an introduction to action. So the primary question to me about work of art is what they are, rather than what they mean.
I am not trying to either depict or to express, I am working with the moment, working to see what happens, but not accidently. I paint until I achieve an aesthetic balance of colour, mark and form, and when I get what I aimed for, I stop.
Whatever we deal with canvas, paper or wall, we deal with a stage where something is happening. What happens is a fact, a coincidence, an outcome, a surprise and an action.
Painting has become a way for me to contribute a new visual language, one that’s fresh and new yet stimulates and enhances life. I often begin with the lines and tones, making people see things, a few brush strokes, touch of colours, leaving all my process of moving hand to achieve the creative ‘moment’ in terms of ‘an abstract rhythm’.
Colour has always been the most important issue because it gives the full impression for a picture and people see the surface of the canvas as ‘colour’. When people talk about colour, they have to use words. This can be difficult because like music, colour isn’t something that language can easily capture. It’s simpler to demonstrate what colour does than to describe it. There are no hierarchies, only random colour events, and all colours become equal.Painting is to be interesting, not boring, breaking the habit, style is important, thinking is the last thing to do.